Monster Children issue 42, page 33
Caroline at county fair
NSW, Australia | March 2014
ph. Chris Searl


Accidentally seeing boobs is about a million times better than hunting boobs out to gawk at like a drooling predator. The former is innocent and thrilling while the latter is, well… still awesome, but let’s face it, a bit seedy.

Few people forget the first time they accidentally see boobs. I was a boy of just 13 years and I’d decided to take a shortcut down the side of a neighbour’s house on the way home from school. As I walked past their bathroom window I turned my head to see their 16-year-old daughter Judith standing naked in the tub. For a moment I was stunned. Her boobs, as all boobs are to a boy of 13, were the most amazing things I had ever seen in my life (and I’d seen Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, so was well versed about seeing fucking amazing things)! I ducked before she could see me, then ran home giggling like the cat about to make his own cream.

Judith’s boobs not only set me down a path of life-long lesbianism, they also gave me an appreciation for the romance of a stolen moment. For years afterwards, cheeky, unexpected boob sightings became one of the great joys in my life. The French girl whose bikini was knocked off while playing in the shore break? I loved her as if she were my high-school sweetheart. The Tasmanian girl who got caught out in the summer rain wearing only a white t-shirt and no bra? I would have asked her to marry me were she not Tasmanian. And what of the pretty little thing sitting boobs-out in the passenger seat of her father’s old EH outside the county fair last week? Why, she may be the most wonderful creature this world will ever know. And sure, I may have gawked at them like a drooling predator, but I did so with the heart of an innocent 13-year-old and that has to count for something… doesn’t it?