Tumblreplacement – Day 6


It hasn’t been a week since Tumblr completely shit the bed with their new ban on “female-presenting nipples.”

But this just doesn’t effect women, it has an impact on us all. We are slowly witnessing the disappearance of the freedom of speech. It has been a slow encroachment on us. While we have BEGGED Tumblr, until we are bleeding out of our eyes, for their staff to take bullying seriously, to take stalking seriously, to take copyright seriously. Nope, they focused on nipples, specifically female nipples.

And I am not the only one that has taken issue with their total blind approach to customer service. So has The Guardian, Gizmodo, Washington Post, BBC, another from The Guardian, Huffington Post, CNN Business, another from Gizmodo, Wired, Slate, SYFY Wire, Buzzfeed, even Wil Wheaton is pissed off. @wilwheaton for those who don’t follow him, he is like my social media spirit animal.

If you read through all of those articles, you get a sense of the complete impact of this ban. I even had a link that pointed to an article critical of Tumblr’s decision flagged for removal. So the ban on speech has clearly moved into the political.

The site we are working on is heading to become a safe place for everyone, especially those trying to overcome mental health issues and acceptance, endless cat memes, car blogs, fans, fandoms and more fandoms. Yes, we will always have that wink-to-kink, but that can’t be our total world. Yes, this whole started as a reaction to the banning of adult content but it is NOT just about adult content, that was just the last straw. We all have been on the ass end of Tumblr’s hateful and mean-spirited policies for years. Last week, it all came to a rather frothy head with “female-presenting nipples.” Clearly Yahoo’s Board of Directors are in charge, not the adults. Adults seem to be in limited supply in Tumblr’s C-Suites these days. Kinda like Congress, but that rant I don’t have time for today.

But back to the replacement site… here are some updates;

  • We found a host, we have CMS software installed, we have the dependency packages installed and we are working on getting all the bits and bobs to play well together.
  • A landing page will be up tomorrow. I have been threatened by an army of tickle bears to have this done. It may not be our final URL, but it will do for now.
  • The site name will not be kink specific, it will be welcoming to all; from grandmas with recipes to fanfic writers to evolutionary microbiologists… then nipples – endless waves of nipples that will threaten to drown you in their nippily and buttery goodness.
  • We have a channel for those looking for volunteer jobs.
  • Also looking for graphic artists with a branding background to work on logo proposals. See the group for details.
  • We are plotting, planning and scheming all of this on a Discord server. Follow this link to find us: https://discord.gg/z3SQJjB

If that link doesn’t work, go to Discord and open an account, then try the link again. If it STILL doesn’t work, wait a bit and try again. Some people have had to do this three times to get in. This is a Discord issue and the only workaround I know of is just to keep trying.

Lastly, a special shoutout to all you pirates! I love you ninjas too, but you guys love your invisibility powers and I can never see you… until it is too late. 

Maybe the army of tickle bears are really ninjas masquerading as tickle bears. Hell, I don’t EVEN know what is going on in my life anymore.

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